My wireless mouse

My wireless mouse entered my house
He came in through the back door
But my fat cat chased it down
And now it’s gone and I’m afraid it’s no more

What can you do when such things happen
But get your coat and go back to the store

But I knew the cat would do it again
So I bought a chicken
A big fat hen
A mean ol’ squawking machine
Not so demure like a mouse
And built quite large like a house
Not afraid of the cat, you see
She was a big fat chicken-dee

But when she put on some weight
The cat began to salivate
Chased that chicken right out the door
And now I’m thinking she might also be no more

Perhaps some feathers, a toe nail or two
and then I’m back in the same spot
What is one to do

Without a point and click
A tireless wireless
The computer is useless

Is there anything else that trainable and amenable
As  cute as a little mouse
Not the cat we know, who’s lazy and fat
but has quick feet
when he sees something to eat

But a mouse, ah, a mouse
With a quick mouse you can go anywhere
All over the world it brings what you need
with incredible speed

So the moral is
When the mouse leaves the house
He better do it fast
And if he doesn’t
That day is probably his last.

Stephen Silverman 3/20/06 NYC

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